Our drivers

In Africa, I learned that tourists use drivers, not public buses.

My driver, Abdulay, was no longer a driver. I was rather surprised to find out that he was a businessman with 5 drivers, and a newly built camp with 5 bungalows.

Abdulay and a driver Suliman picked me up in Fass Chamen and took me in one of their 4x4s to Janjanbureh, with the 5 boxes on the roof. Next morning we delivered them to schools off the beaten track. The second school was just what we were looking for:  a new school in a town called Sarenyanga, created by the townspeople, with only a bit of thatch for walls. Is this my destiny? Abdulay promised them help to build the school. I said nothing, yet.

Two days later, my niece and I took a beautifully crowded bus back to the capital.

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